Monday, March 19, 2012

Classes back to back

You know when they say be careful what you wish for cause it might come true...I have been hungry for an afternoon and morning slots cause they have familiar faces and generally people who usually spin who can give you feedback, ultimately one should improve from that...Well, one the instructors is not well to take his slots and guess who they have asked to stand in...ME! This instructor has been instrumental on this journey for me and he is my mentor...imagine...
Lord, this is for your glory and not mine....take over!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Look after your heart

I love the internet, I surf all the sites I deem usefull especially the credible health ones like
Here is an interesting read re: foods good for your heart...enjoy :),,20307113,00.html

Monday, March 12, 2012

My baby- vavavoom

I've been thinking...

I have been thinking about ways of making my advice to people more structured and focused and maybe track if they have followed it...but then the thought dawnes on me that people ask you advice but they don't have to take I will use this platform to 'advise'

I have been asked a lot for eating plan advice, healthy eating habits and all is what I told the latest asker:

Hi XXXXXXX (name withheld)

Well, there is no quick fix to trimming excess fat…it is 80% what you eat and 20% exercise (walking for 30 minutes daily), start small if you don’t exercise at all, unless you have a good metabolism you can get away with eating a lot and exercising little but you would stand a chance of having high cholesterol and thin which is also not healthy.

Often when people ask me for advice either on an exercise plan or eating plan I challenge them to think about the main reason why they want to lose the weight. If your ultimate goal is weight loss then you will fall prey of the yo-yo dieting plans which result in your weight loss also yo-yoing.
It should be something you want to do for yourself because it has lasting benefits and health benefits. It is good for your heart and generally good for your wellbeing.

Now, enough of the lecture. I joined weigh less over 10 years ago and they taught me how to eat healthy.
I have attached a more structured eating plan that will give you more or less what to eat but I find I get bored with following a plan, I should rather know what foods are good for me and which ones aren’t. There are good fats and bad fats etc.

What I would recommend you do is to make your portions smaller, your stomach will take 2 weeks to shrink and get used to the new eating habit

Your daily plan should be:
5 Carbohydrates (bread, rice, potatoes, corn, cereal, crackers)
2 fruits
2 milks (yogurt, milk for cereal and coffee)
3 fats – (avocado, butter, oil, salad dressing,
3 proteins (meat, cold meats, biltong, eggs, cheeses, fish)
Water – 2liters a day (this is 4 glasses of water) – try and replace your juice, fizzy drink intake with water, just plain water. Some people struggle to drink plain water, add a slice of lemon to dilute the taste.

Before you change your eating plan, weight yourself with minimal clothes on (don’t use a bathroom scale, they are not consistent), maybe at gym. Try and choose 1 day a week that you will weigh yourself, around the same day. Also measure yourself cause you start losing centimeters before weight.

Most importantly, change your mind set with food – we are brought up differently, when we celebrate or mourn – we EAT and we eat all the wrong foods. For example the veg portions are meant to be bigger than the starch portions but we are brought up eating the other way round, the rice is the larger portion on the plate than the veg.

Interesting read:,,20475957,00.html?xid=healthyliving03072012-templateA

Good luck dear

It's been a while hey!

Well, I' out of hibernation to 2012 I go...
I started my spinning classes at the beginning of Feb and I am loving them. I am realising that I am a spinnaholic and I enjoy teaching in all its forms.
One class a week for now but with time...I will have more.
Challenges: choosing music that won't be boring to members. Trying to find relevance and making sure a good workout is guaranteed.

Well for now...keep spinning