Monday, October 31, 2011

It is happening!

Oh man, it is happening. Ok, let me contain my excitement. On Sat I was asked to 'curtain raise' in an hour spinning class, well I have never sweated on top of a spinning bike like I did on Sat. I gave the first 5 songs which amounted to 20 min. Mixed reactions from members, which was not bad for a first timer...from now on, it can only get better with time.
I loved it!

Let the games begin! started. On the 27 & 28 August 2011 I qualified as a Level 1 Indoor Cycle Instructor with the Cycle Pro Academy.

It was a hurry up and wait sort of thing...cause I had to wait to get a CPR certificate first, which I received on Sat 29 October. So now I have to go out there and sell my services.

I am looking foward to the day :)